Monday, 16 July 2012

Thing 11- Mentoring

Mentoring - It's a great idea when it works. It takes commitment and some work from both parts.

I have a mentor since I decided to take on the chartership challenge. We met regularly in the begining but have been finding it harder for the past 6 months.

We work for the same institution but in different buildings and with different collections, which means having advantages as well disadvantages. She, due to her seniority, can advise me on best ways of accessing traininig activities and material which are not so readily available to me. However, it also means that we might try less experimental approaches to problem solving because we both know the limitations posed by the institution.

Anyway, although progress on the chartership has been slow, I must say that if I had no mentor it could easily mean forgetting about the whole thing for now. However as it is, my mentor every now and then get's in touch and I'm prompted to reflect and report on my activities.  This boosts my enthusiam and puts me back on track and away I go. We're do to meet in a couple of weeks...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martin
    Thanks for the visit and comments.
    It has been a while since I last posted anything here With "23 things" over, it's time to self-direct/motivate my next on the way.
    Thanks again,Sonia
