Monday, 18 July 2011

Thing 4 - Current awareness

Thing 4 gave me the push to start using my twitter account created a couple of years ago, which was dormant.  Been using for the past couple of weeks or so and got a wholesome count of 5 followers (no, not 5 m), wow! The pressure is building up - must start providing the goods.  Amongst others, I am following @techno4learning, which is full of library techy stuff and  Humanities. 

Signed up to a few RSS feeds and made mental note about remembering to check Goggle Reader. Find it helpful to have all news in one place, less chance to get distracted.

Pushnote - well, don't know much about it so went around to find out more, especially to see what other participants thought of it.  I found Bewo's blog very helpful and share her doubts about it's usefulness. Then came which confirmed my thoughts - it will provide opportunities for reflective writing and to be an active participant of the online community. Time will tell how much use I'll make of it.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Thing 3 - personal brand

...feeling like I'm missing the train, got to hurry up.

Glad to have had to do this assessment. I was starting to loose sight of all my efforts - Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook and so on. Now I got all under control again and the plan is to continue to work on them.

Name used - I am happy with the one used for CPD23 but changed my Twitter and LinkedIn names to something that I can always remember.

Photograph - I've added a photo, although not yet one that I am happy with but it will do for now. I also found myself adding more photos than I intended on Facebook - put all down to learning experience.

Professional /Personal Identity - They're still very connected as I haven't got much out there in the way of personal - still feel unconfortable to broadcast my likes and dislikes. Another issue to review in the near future.

Had the vanity check with only my name and found myself checking sites from different parts of the world, quite refreshing but also distracting.

Having my name and "library" did the trick and it brought my blog and LinkedIn right to the top of the list. Lesson to keep in mind - pay attention to what gets included in profile.

Well, time to go to Thing 4.... well actually no, I'm rushing to my last CPD25 session- "Supporting our users...".  Hope to meet other CPD23 participants, my consolation prize for not being able to go to the "Real life networking" next week.